Monday, September 22, 2014


These Characters were modeled, textured and Animated by myself.
I used 3ds Max to model and animate, Photoshop and Gimp to texture.

Enviornment Animation

These are some doors used in the first portion of Cyber Solstice.
The doors were modeled, textured, and animated myself.  They are not perfect but again I didn't have much experience at the time.  I used 3ds max to model the doors and Gimp to do the texturing.


Friday, August 8, 2014

Bait Shop Flyer

  This was a flyer done for a local bait shop.  I was told it actually helped stir up some business.  I have to take there word on it though.

Long Coat Magic Logo

  The following are two separate logos for a pair of magicians in the area near me.  The logos were done using Photoshop.  The first is one used for there flyers and business cards.  The second one is used for T-shirts they have made to sell at shows.

